Thursday, February 18, 2010

His Holiness Comes to Washington

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is meeting with President Obama in the White House this morning, so I'll use that event to share this favorite-of-all photos of mine.

Taken almost exactly thirteen years ago today, the photo is starting to show some wear, but my memory of the event isn't fading. We were a lucky group of American undergraduates (our beloved professor and her husband have special ties to His Holiness); lucky enough to meet with The Dalai Lama at his home in Dharamsala and have one hour to ask questions.

You know how, when you look back on your life, there are moments of time -- almost like pin pricks -- that change you and your world view forever? This was one of mine.

To read more about the Chinese occupation of Tibet and Tibet's struggle for freedom, go here and here.


Sizzle said...

Why can't I see you in the picture? Where are you?

Simple Ink said...

Back row, left side. Look for the chubby cheeks of my early twenties.

Brandy said...
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Brandy said...

you're so cute Amy! How cool

dudette said...

Great photo and amazing scarf that has been in some mighty moments in life;) hope the house comes through for you Amy, Jeff and Ben.