Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bringing Home Baby

Today is an exciting day here in Simple Ink Land... we're bringing home a new press! A local studio is liquidating some of their presses and, thanks to my beloved mentor, I'm thrilled to be the new owner of one.

I'm off to pick up baby this evening... more photos tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Winter Wedding

This wedding invitation for a winter ceremony here in Bend just came off the press. I love how it came together. Printed in silver and cranberry inks, it makes me feel ready for the holidays on this cold, blustery day. And the thick Somerset paper makes me happy no matter what is printed on it...

...The branch image is actually from a photo I took last winter while I was sitting in the car waiting for my husband to run an errand -- goes to show that you never know when inspiration will strike!

Monday, September 28, 2009

American Craft Retailer's Expo (ACRE) 2009

Even though a few months have passed, I'd be remiss if I never mentioned ACRE. My first-ever foray into the huge world of wholesale trade shows, I admit to being a ball of nerves in the final days before the show opened.

However, despite any anticipatory jitters, it was a wonderful experience. The organizers were top-notch, the other artisans were way fun, and the retailers who came to shop exceeded my expectations. I'm already looking forward to next year.

There's a lot of doom-and-gloom spread about the economy these days and not enough talk about the talented store owners not just staying afloat in these times, but thriving. There may not have been the volume of shoppers seen in previous years, but the ones present were the cream of the crop.

So, if you're an artist considering participating in a wholesale show or a retailer thinking of attending, my advice is to go for it. There may not be the masses you're used to seeing, but there's a silver lining to everything.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Isaac!

On a personal note, today the youngest of my seven (yes, seven!) nieces and nephews turns two. Very exciting. Happy Birthday, Isaac Henry. We love you.

Retailer Spotlight: Bartleby's Letterpress Emporium

Attending my first-ever trade show this summer was... well, it was many things. (More on that coming soon.) But one of the absolute highlights was meeting fellow letterpress printer, Marty Brown, the brain behind Letterary Press. I'd been a fan of Marty's work for some time (having first seen it on Etsy), and meeting her in person did not disappoint. Funny, smart, creative, personable. I could go on.

A few months ago, Marty shared that she would soon be opening her own retail space in Portland, Oregon as a complement to her work at Letterary Press. And, as of this month, the doors for Bartleby's Letterpress Emporium are officially open! And this is no average stationery store; Marty has her beautiful Chandler & Price presses on display along with all of the fabulous paper goods. Run, don't walk, letterpress fans!

This may be the perfect excuse for a jaunt to Portland soon...

Congratulations, Marty! It's an honor for Simple Ink to be a part of Bartleby's.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Library Pick: Half the Sky

My resolution of the month has been to turn off the TV. (Okay, okay, I'm still watching the Grey's Anatomy premiere tonight.) But, most evenings, in lieu of an hour or two of spaced-out viewing time, I'm plugging into our wonderful local library.

My pick for this week is Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, just out this month.

The authors argue that the key to worldwide social and economic progress sits cupped in the hands of women. They offer ways we all can help draw out this powerful potential. Among them is a personal favorite: support a woman in business. With loans as low as $50, women in many countries can start businesses of their own, leading to a cascade of improvements in their own lives, the lives of their children, the status of the communities, and so on.

To make your own loan, go to Mercy Corps, BRAC, or Kiva.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Holiday Cards

It has been hot, hot, hot here in Bend this week, but my mind is on snow-covered branches.

I'm just itching to unveil the new boxed sets of holiday cards I've printed for this year; I've wanted to produce boxed sets like these for a long time, and the feedback I received at ACRE finally put me over the edge. They're going to look so pretty all boxed up and ready to go... I can hardly wait!

Here's a tiny sneak peek...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Central Oregon Day

It's easy to become blase about the place you live. At first you see the beauty, all it has to offer, but after a time the rudimentary details take over. What's the quickest route to the grocery store? Could the bike lanes not be just the tiniest bit wider? Why is that one street always flooded...?

But on Saturday a simple walk (a stone's throw from my home) reminded me of Bend. The real Bend. The Bend that makes living here more than rudimentary. What makes it exceptional.

Glad to see you, Friend.