Friday, September 25, 2009

Retailer Spotlight: Bartleby's Letterpress Emporium

Attending my first-ever trade show this summer was... well, it was many things. (More on that coming soon.) But one of the absolute highlights was meeting fellow letterpress printer, Marty Brown, the brain behind Letterary Press. I'd been a fan of Marty's work for some time (having first seen it on Etsy), and meeting her in person did not disappoint. Funny, smart, creative, personable. I could go on.

A few months ago, Marty shared that she would soon be opening her own retail space in Portland, Oregon as a complement to her work at Letterary Press. And, as of this month, the doors for Bartleby's Letterpress Emporium are officially open! And this is no average stationery store; Marty has her beautiful Chandler & Price presses on display along with all of the fabulous paper goods. Run, don't walk, letterpress fans!

This may be the perfect excuse for a jaunt to Portland soon...

Congratulations, Marty! It's an honor for Simple Ink to be a part of Bartleby's.


Sizzle said...

We should meet in Portland sometime. I love it there! Girls weekend?