Monday, September 28, 2009

American Craft Retailer's Expo (ACRE) 2009

Even though a few months have passed, I'd be remiss if I never mentioned ACRE. My first-ever foray into the huge world of wholesale trade shows, I admit to being a ball of nerves in the final days before the show opened.

However, despite any anticipatory jitters, it was a wonderful experience. The organizers were top-notch, the other artisans were way fun, and the retailers who came to shop exceeded my expectations. I'm already looking forward to next year.

There's a lot of doom-and-gloom spread about the economy these days and not enough talk about the talented store owners not just staying afloat in these times, but thriving. There may not have been the volume of shoppers seen in previous years, but the ones present were the cream of the crop.

So, if you're an artist considering participating in a wholesale show or a retailer thinking of attending, my advice is to go for it. There may not be the masses you're used to seeing, but there's a silver lining to everything.