Friday, January 22, 2010


Ain't it good to have friends?

I was just sitting here reflecting upon all the wonderful people that have helped Simple Ink along this year. From my husband, to my mother, to a my wonderful web developer, letterpress teacher, blogger friends, and PR talents. And of course all of the wonderful store owners who continually offer encouragement.

Then I stumbled upon these photos from my little guy's 3rd birthday in October. This is my Benjamin (in green) and his bestest buddy, Matthew. We used to be neighbors and the boys saw each other often from the time they were babies. Our move across town last year, different preschool schedules and, well, Life, have conspired to make their visits more and more infrequent. Before the day these pictures were taken, they hadn't seen each other for months. I love that you can see their glee bubbling over. They could not stop laughing and holding hands.

It's great to have friends.

So thanks to Ben & Matthew for reminding me of that -- and thanks to all of the wonderful folks that have been friends to Simple Ink this year. I love you and I don't tell you often enough.


Sizzle said...

They were holding hands? That is so cute. So much cute it slays me. Adorable!

Love you too, friend.

Simple Ink said...

Cute just like your Finn! :)