Friday, February 26, 2010

I Turn Thirty...something.

Me.... thirty-um-something years ago.

This particular shot has become a bit of family lore, as the kid in the high chair looks like my son in a dress. Exactly. (I wish I could say the parallels continue and I now look just like my mother. But she's thinner and prettier. Oh well. You can't have it all.)

I'm planning on having a fun day. Hope you do, too!

P.S. The large black spot on the right hand side was our gigantic lab, Oliver. Who I loved, loved, loved, loved. The kind of dog that lets you crawl all over him, giggling and drooling. When you're one. And it's your birthday. Aren't dogs the best? Family members you never, ever forget. Even when you're thirty... something.


Sizzle said...

Happy Birthday!

That is an adorable picture. And dogs named Oliver are the best (my mom's golden is named that).

You are beautiful. Don't you ever doubt it.