Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Free Film

So I thought for a good long time this morning about posting this heavy subject here on my light-hearted blog.

And I'm gonna go for it.

Tonight in L.A. there will be a film premiere. But not one with a red carpet or Brad & Angelina. It's a film, sponsored in part by philanthropists like Warren Buffett, about nuclear war. About a potential nuclear war.

The team of individuals "starring" in this film include two former Secretaries of State, a former Secretary of Defense, and a former U.S. Senator. A team of individuals who have dedicated their lives to this topic.

And today, if you wish, you can get a free copy of the film. Just click here.

I have not yet seen it (although I hear a download may be available soon). And if you do watch the trailer, beware: there are some graphic images. Colin Powell's endorsement is also available. It's heavy stuff.

Just thought, in case you didn't know, I'd pass along the info. It seemed appropriate for today, not only because of the film's premiere, but because of Mr. President's Address looming this evening.


Now I'm off to open that can of silver ink that just wouldn't budge last night. Where's my husband when I need him? :)